AFK Arena Wiki
AFK Arena Wiki

The Field of Stars is a constellation room in the Library where players can unlock starbursts by completing certain requirements and subsequently increase their pool of resources, simultaneously making progression faster. It is unlocked after completing stage 11-40 in Campaign and was added in Patch 1.42.

There are currently eight constellations in AFK Arena: Longhorn, The Big Torch, Sands of Time, The Chalice, The Northern Helm, The Obsidian Finch, The Great Lute, and The Duck.

"Throughout time, the stars have blessed the earthly realm."


Question Answer
The Big Torch in the Field of Stars requires a certain number of Ascended heroes to unlock, does that include Dimensional heroes? It does not include Dimensional heroes. Ascended Dimensional heroes will not count towards unlock progress.


The infinite meadows of heaven, marked by a vast swathe of countless stars. One could always count on the stars for guidance in times of need.

But since evil has taken root in the world of Esperia, no longer can the stars be witnessed in their full glory. A great darkness has enveloped the world, obscuring their true beauty.


  • "Field of Stars" includes many constellations, each of which includes multiple starbursts.
  • Fulfill the corresponding requirements to unlock starbursts, which grant a variety of resource bonuses.
  • Unlocking starbursts requires time and gold coins, however it can be completed faster by spending 20 diamonds.
  • Starbursts within a single constellation can only be unlocked one at a time.
  • VIP level and subscription (noble) privileges do not influence the effects of Starbursts in any way.
  • Conditions to unlock Starbursts do not include dimensional heroes, trial heroes, or mercenary heroes.


Cornu: Longhorn[]

"When the great horn has been sung, the creatures of Esperia shall flourish."


The "Longhorn" constellation.

The Longhorn has 12 starbursts. They can be unlocked based on the player's level, with the first starbust being unlocked at level 90 and the last being unlocked at level 180.

Each starburst unlocked will either increase the amount of hero experience, essence, or gold received in AFK rewards.

Star Name Unlock Requirement Bonus
Star of Chaos Reach player level 95 AFK reward hero experience drops: +50%
Capra Major Reach player level 110

Unlock Star of Chaos

AFK reward hero experience drops: +50%
The Western Point Reach player level 140

Unlock Capra Major

AFK reward hero experience drops: +50%
The Wild Star Reach player level 170

Unlock the Western Point

AFK reward hero experience drops: +50%
The Southern Point Reach player level 100 AFK reward hero's essence drops: +40%
Australis Reach player level 120

Unlock the Southern Point

AFK reward hero's essence drops: +40%
Southern Roamer Reach player level 150

Unlock Australis

AFK reward hero's essence drops: +40%
Celestine Reach player level 180

Unlock the Southern Roamer

AFK reward hero's essence drops: +40%
The Golden Chime Reach player level 90 AFK reward gold coins drops: +80%
Capra Minor Reach player level 105

Unlock the Golden Chime

AFK reward gold coins drops: +80%
The Eastern Point Reach player level 130

Unlock Capra Minor

AFK reward gold coins drops: +80%
The Fertile Star Reach player level 160

Unlock the Eastern Point

AFK reward gold coins drops: +80%

Taeda: The Big Torch[]

"The torch holder gave great brilliance and warmth to the world."

The Big Torch

"The Big Torch" constellation.

The Big Torch has 6 starbursts to unlock from. Each of them will require the player to have a certain amount of Ascended or higher-tiered heroes, starting with 1 ascended hero to unlock the first starbust.

Each starburst unlocked will have an additional hero choice pack with monthly draws guaranteeing the hero you have selected.

Star Name Unlock Requirement Bonus
The Soul Star Possess an Ascended tier or higher tiered hero. After unlocking the hero choice pack, elite heroes that are summoned will definitely match your wishlist choice. Times hero choice packs can be used per month: +1
The Enlightened Star Possess 5 Ascended tier or higher tiered heroes.

Unlock The Soul Star.

Additional hero choice pack monthly draws: +1
The Distant Torch Possess 10 Ascended tier or higher tiered heroes.

Unlock The Soul Star.

Additional hero choice pack monthly draws: +1
The Traveler Possess 20 Ascended tier or higher tiered heroes.

Unlock The Soul Star.

Additional hero choice pack monthly draws: +1
The Near Torch Possess 30 Ascended tier or higher tiered heroes.

Unlock The Soul Star.

Additional hero choice pack monthly draws: +1
Star of Wisdom Possess 50 Ascended tier or higher tiered heroes.

Unlock The Soul Star.

Additional hero choice pack monthly draws: +1

Horarium: Sands of Time[]

"The stars shall shine down upon those the needy, gifting them with what they need."

Sands of Time

The "Sands of Time" constellation.

The Sands of Time has 9 starbursts to unlock from, requiring the player to complete certain Campaign levels. The first starburst can be unlocked at stage 12-40.

Each starburst unlocked will either increase the amount of quantity per daily AFK rewards in the hero experience, the hero essence, or the amount of gold.

Star Name Unlock Requirement Bonus
The Wallowing Star Complete stage 14-40 Daily AFK reward hero experience base quantity: +182k
Star of Yesteryear Complete stage 20-60

Unlock the Wallowing Star

Daily AFK reward hero experience base quantity: +372k
Oblivion's Light Complete stage 25-60

Unlock Star of Yesteryear

Daily AFK reward hero experience base quantity: +812k
Star of Spring Complete stage 12-40 Daily AFK reward gold coins base quantity: +70k
Northern Roamer Complete stage 18-40

Unlock Star of Spring

Daily AFK reward gold coins base quantity: +75k
Star of Eternity Complete stage 24-60

Unlock Northern Roamer

Daily AFK reward gold coins base quantity: +80k
Star of Winter Complete stage 16-40 Daily AFK reward hero's essence base quantity: +80
Tomorrow's Hope Complete stage 22-60

Unlock Star of Winter

Daily AFK reward hero's essence base quantity: +135
Star of Seasons Complete stage 26-60

Unlock Tomorrow's Hope

Daily AFK reward hero's essence base quantity: +170

Calix: The Chalice[]

"A chalice holds more than piety and devotion, it holds the energy of life"

The Chalice

"The Chalice" constellation.

The Chalice has 11 starbursts to unlock from, requiring the player to finish certain Campaign levels. The first starbust can be unlocked at stage 15-40.

Each starburst unlocked will either increase the number of tokens received in Arcane Labyrinth or increase the number of rewards in Daily Quests or in Weekly Quests.

Star Name Unlock Requirement Bonus
Dalo Complete stage 15-40 Arcane Labyrinth labyrinth tokens drops: +15%
The Golden Promise Complete stage 21-60

Unlock Dalo

Arcane Labyrinth labyrinth tokens drops: +15%
Star of Valiance Complete stage 25-60

Unlock the Golden Promise

Arcane Labyrinth labyrinth tokens drops: +15%
The Distant Rim Complete stage 16-40 '60 points' daily quest chest rewards: Diamonds +50
Zenith Complete stage 20-60

Unlock the Distant Rim

'80 points' daily quest chest rewards: small pile of hero experience (2 hours): +1
The Crimson Eye Complete stage 23-60

Unlock Zenith

'100 points' daily quest chest rewards: small pile of gold (2 hours): +1
Dionysus Complete stage 22-60 '20 points' weekly quest chest rewards: twisted essence +50
The Golden Mote Complete stage 23-60

Unlock Dionysus

'40 points' weekly quest chest rewards: poe coins +500
The Misty Dot Complete stage 28-60

Unlock the Golden Mote

'60 points' weekly quest chest rewards: primordial emblem +20
The Silver Chalice Complete stage 29-60

Unlock the Misty Dot

'80 points' weekly quest chest rewards: amplifying emblem +10
The Eternal Beacon Complete stage 30-60

Unlock the Silver Chalice

'100 points' weekly quest chest rewards: emblem choice chest +5

Galea: The Northern Helm[]

"The crown of war shall always strengthen those that are worthy"

The Northern Helm

"The Northern Helm" constellation.

The Northern Helm has 9 starbursts to unlock from, requiring the player to complete certain Campaign levels. The first starbust can be unlocked at stage 13-40.

Each starburst unlocked will either increase the amount of Common Enhancement Tokens received in AFK rewards, increase the number of Mythic items and its buffs in AFK rewards, or increase the number of guild coins in team hunting.

Star Name Unlock Requirement Bonus
Eastern Roamer Complete stage 13-40 Daily AFK reward common enhancement tokens base quantity: +40
The Northern Warrior Complete stage 19-40

Unlock Eastern Roamer

Daily AFK reward common enhancement tokens base quantity: +40
The Eastern Chariot Complete stage 25-60

Unlock the Northern Warrior

Daily AFK reward common enhancement tokens base quantity: +40
The Iron Star Complete stage 16-40 AFK rewards mythic gear + ascension resource drops: +30%
The Cobalt Sparkle Complete stage 24-60

Unlock the Iron Star

AFK rewards mythic gear + ascension resource drops: +30%
Edes Complete stage 32-60

Unlock the Cobalt Sparkle

AFK rewards mythic gear + ascension resource drops: +30%
Western Roamer Complete stage 14-40 Team hunting guild coins drops: +15%
The Bladed Star Complete stage 17-40

Unlock Western Roamer

Team hunting guild coins drops: +15%
The Western Chariot Complete stage 20-60

Unlock the Bladed Star

Team hunting guild coins drops: +15%

Obsiornis: The Obsidian Finch[]

"Bursting with such inextinguishable brilliance, the great Obsidian Finch illuminates the vast darkness which blankets the sky."

Obsidian Finch

"The Obsidian Finch" constellation.

The Obsidian Finch has 12 starbursts. In order to unlock the first starbust, the player must reach level 40 in all Towers of Esperia floors.

Each starburst unlocked will either give Elite+ and higher non-factional gear a chance to attain bonuses, give T2 stones the chance to be converted into Stone Choice Chests, allow Dimensional heroes the chance to be placed in the same formation as their fused counter-parts upon acquisition of Dimensional Keys, or increase the Dimensional Key quantity.

Star Name Unlock Requirement Bonus
The Finch Tail Ascend 40 floors in all of the Towers of Esperia. Gives Elite+ and higher non-factional gear the chance to attain bonuses when acquired.

Chance: +25%

The Glorious Finch Ascend 80 floors in all of the Towers of Esperia.

Unlock The Finch Tail.

Gives Elite+ and higher non-factional gear the chance to attain bonuses when acquired.

Chance: +25%

The Burning Plume Ascend 120 floors in all of the Towers of Esperia.

Unlock The Glorious Finch.

Gives Elite+ and higher non-factional gear the chance to attain bonuses when acquired.

Chance: +25%

The Northern Brim Ascend 160 floors in all of the Towers of Esperia.

Unlock The Burning Plume.

Gives Elite+ and higher non-factional gear the chance to attain bonuses when acquired.

Chance: +25%

The Obsidian Soul Reach Floor 400 of the King's Tower. T2 Stones have a chance to be converted into Stone Choice Chests when acquired via AFK Rewards.

Conversion Chance: +25%

Star of Resonance Reach Floor 450 of the King's Tower.

Unlock The Obsidian Soul.

T2 Stones have a chance to be converted into Stone Choice Chests when acquired via AFK Rewards.

Conversion Chance: +25%

The Undying Star Reach Floor 500 of the King's Tower.

Unlock Star of Resonance.

T2 Stones have a chance to be converted into Stone Choice Chests when acquired via AFK Rewards.

Conversion Chance: +25%

The Southern Brim Reach Floor 550 of the King's Tower.

Unlock The Undying Star.

T2 Stones have a chance to be converted into Stone Choice Chests when acquired via AFK Rewards.

Conversion Chance: +25%

The Tail Star Possess 15 Ascended or Higher Tiered heroes. Acquiring Dimensional Keys allows for Dimensional heroes and their fused counter-part heroes to be placed in the same formation.

Dimensional key: +1

Star of Brilliance Possess 25 Ascended or Higher Tiered heroes.

Unlock The Tail Star.

Dimensional Key Quantity: +1
The Obsidian Feather Possess 35 Ascended or Higher Tiered heroes.

Unlock Star of Brilliance.

Dimensional Key Quantity: +1
The Rolling Flame Possess 45 Ascended or Higher Tiered heroes.

Unlock The Obsidian Feather.

Dimensional Key Quantity: +1

Lyra: The Great Lute[]

"When the celestial melody of the Great Lute flows through the skies, all mortal suffering melts away like snow in summer."

The Great Lute

"The Great Lute" constellation.

The Great Lute has 9 starbursts. In order to unlock the first starbust, the player must reach floor 250 in King's Tower.

Each starburst unlocked will increase the chances of specific reward drops in AFK Rewards Chest: T1 and T2 gear and Invigorating Essence.

Star Name Unlock Requirement Bonus
The Wanderer Reach Floor 250 of the King's Tower. AFK Rewards may produce T1 Gear.
The Heart String Reach Floor 300 of the King's Tower.

Unlock The Wanderer.

AFK Rewards T1 Gear Drops: +100%
The Melodious Star Reach Floor 350 of the King's Tower.

Unlock The Heart String.

AFK Rewards T1 Gear Drops: +100%
The Eastern Chord Reach Floor 100 on both the Celestial and Hypogean Towers.

Unlock The Melodious Star.

AFK Rewards Invigorating Essence Drops: +30%
Star of Will Reach Floor 200 on both the Celestial and Hypogean Towers.

Unlock The Eastern Chord.

AFK Rewards Invigorating Essence Drops: +30%
The Western Chord Reach Floor 300 on both the Celestial and Hypogean Towers.

Unlock Star of Will.

AFK Rewards Invigorating Essence Drops: +30%
The Traveling Bard Reach 200 Floors in all of the Faction Towers.

Unlock The Western Chord.

AFK Rewards may produce T2 Gear.
The Southern Chord Reach 240 Floors in all of the Faction Towers.

Unlock The Traveling Bard.

AFK Rewards T2 Gear Drops: +100%.
The Fairy Reach 280 Floors in all of the Faction Towers.

Unlock The Southern Chord.

AFK Rewards T2 Gear Drops: +100%.

Aix: The Duck[]

"When the Aix roams across the sky, trade routes open anew like streams in the spring."


"Aix" constellation.

Aix has 11 starbursts. In order to unlock the first starbust, the player must reach floor 300 in both the Celestial and Hypogean Towers.

Each starburst unlocked will increase the chances of specific reward drops in AFK Rewards Chest: T3 gear and Elemental Shard or increase the Dimensional Key quantity.

Star Name Unlock Requirement Bonus
Roh T3 Stones have a chance to be converted into Stone Choice Chests when acquired via AFK Rewards. Conversion Chance: +25%

Unlock Roh.

T3 Stones have a chance to be converted into Stone Choice Chests when acquired via AFK Rewards. Conversion Chance: +25%

Unlock Nu.

T3 Stones have a chance to be converted into Stone Choice Chests when acquired via AFK Rewards. Conversion Chance: +25%

Unlock Glom.

T3 Stones have a chance to be converted into Stone Choice Chests when acquired via AFK Rewards. Conversion Chance: +25%
Pigrons Reach Floor 310 on both the Celestial and Hypogean Towers. AFK Rewards Elemental Shard Drops: +15%
Isroonlelt Reach Floor 320 on both the Celestial and Hypogean Towers.

Unlock Pigrons.

AFK Rewards Elemental Shard Drops: +15%
Trekt Reach Floor 330 on both the Celestial and Hypogean Towers.

Unlock Isroonlelt.

AFK Rewards Elemental Shard Drops: +15%
Shimux Reach Floor 340 on both the Celestial and Hypogean Towers.

Unlock Trekt.

AFK Rewards Elemental Shard Drops: +15%
Joiy Dimensional Key Quantity: +1

Unlock Joiy.

Dimensional Key Quantity: +1

Unlock Quesh.

Dimensional Key Quantity: +1


  • The Obsidian Finch constellation is named after Talene's race.

Video Guide[]



Dark Forest
